Health and Happiness

The Best Pets for Autistic Children

The Best Pets for Autistic Children Being a parent of an autistic child can be like walking a tightrope. Every decision you make has the

autism toys

Best Games for Autistic Toddlers in 2021

Best Games for Autistic Toddlers in 2021 A child’s brain is a truly incredible thing. While the brain will continue to grow well into the

Health and Happiness

The Best Bed Pads for Autism

The Best Bed Pads for Autism Bed pads have become a household staple in many homes, for those housing neurotypical children and those with Autistic

toys for autistic toddlers
autism toys

Best Toys For Autistic Toddlers 2021

Best Toys For Autistic Toddlers 2021 With endless options available online and in stores, any parent will tell you that finding engaging toys for your

Health and Happiness

Best Adult Diapers for Women

Best Adult Diapers for Women Realizing that a loved one needs incontinence products is not easy to wrap your head around. You may feel like

do you need adult diapers?
Health and Happiness

10 Best Adult Diapers Available for Sale in 2020

Caretaking for an adult with special needs is one of the noblest jobs on the planet. 

Almost any caretaker would agree that one of the biggest challenges is coping with incontinence. 

What can you do to tackle this difficult task with dignity? What brand of adult diapers can help you cut down on messes, awkwardness, and stress? What adult diaper brand can help your loved one feel as comfortable as they can? 

You are not alone in searching for a solution. 

The Best Autism Childproof Locks

Learning the best ways to take care of our loved ones is one of the most important things to do. Protecting is one of the main duties of any parent because children are very curious and are always trying to grab things or go places they should not. 

kid looks at toys
autism toys

Best Toys For Children With Autism By Age – From Toddlers to Adults

Buying presents for kids can be a real challenge. For parents with kids on the spectrum, we’re all wondering just how to find the perfect gift time and time again.

Of course, kids on the spectrum are just that, kids! Their interests may differ from their peers, but the perfect toy is out there for them! All that’s left if for you to find it.

The Best Autism Sensory Toys Under $50 — January 2020

Children with Autism have a unique set of daily challenges. Sensory issues like a sensory processing disorder common in autism can make it very difficult and frustrating for a kid to function in everyday situations. Some are under-responsive to sensory stimuli, affecting coordination and the ability to balance, while others are over-responsive, causing them to become quickly overwhelmed by sudden exposure to light, sound, or strong tastes and sounds.


Do I Have Autism? — Am I Autistic?

First of all, let’s start out by saying that even if you do have a form of autism or Asperger’s syndrome, that doesn’t mean that you’re alone. A network of caring individuals are here to help you through this process and professional help is available to get you the most out of your life.