The Best Autism Sensory Toys Under $50 — January 2020

Children with Autism have a unique set of daily challenges. Sensory issues like a sensory processing disorder common in autism can make it very difficult and frustrating for a kid to function in everyday situations. Some are under-responsive to sensory stimuli, affecting coordination and the ability to balance, while others are over-responsive, causing them to become quickly overwhelmed by sudden exposure to light, sound, or strong tastes and sounds.

Why Are Sensory Toys Important for Autism?

There is a vast market for sensory stimulation products aimed specifically towards children living with Autism. Among these products are toys. These toys play an incredibly important part in mental development as they target the body’s sensory processing systems. Some toys are designed for hyper-sensitive children who are prone to sensory overload and are intended to make them feel secure and “grounded.” In contrast, others cater to the needs of hypo-sensitive kids, using textures, lights, and sounds to stimulate multiple senses at a time.

Here is a list (in no particular order) of some of the best sensory toys for autism under $50 that you can easily find on Amazon.

BunMo Super Stretchy Strings

BunMo super stretchy strings are a perfect example of how a toy can be simple and still be very entertaining and practical. Each of these stretchy strings is 11 inches long and can stretch to over 9 feet, giving your child with autism the freedom to twist, stretch, pull or wrap these strings however they desire.

Not only is this toy great for stimulating the senses of touch and sight, but BunMo Super Stretchy Strings can also be used as a teaching tool to create numbers, letters, and shapes. 

This toy is also a great choice if your child is non-verbal or tends to put things in their mouth, as these non-toxic stretchy strings are hyper-allergenic, as well as phthalate and BPA free, so you won’t have to worry about your child getting sick from sucking on this toy.

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BUNMO Pop Tubes

Here is another great toy from BunMo. These Pop Tubes are specifically designed to improve tactile stimulation, motor skills, hand strength, and auditory feedback.

When pulled, or bent, these flexible pipes create popping sounds. This will train your child’s senses to process touch and sound simultaneously. 

The interlocking design of these Bunmo Pop Tubes allows each 

pipe to be connected, promoting creativity and the use of hand and eye coordination, making one of the most ideal sensory toys for kids with autism.

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Water Motion Liquid Bubble Timer

This bubble timer is the perfect choice if your child has difficulty staying focused, or is easily overwhelmed by sensory over-stimulation. 

When tipped upside down, multi-colored bubbles begin to fall, creating a calming effect that can help people with autism relax and focus on one specific task. This product is not only effective for kids, it is also one of the best sensory toys for adults with autism as well.

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FIGROL Fidget Spinners

Fidget spinner toys were a huge craze in 2017. While they weren’t created specifically for people on the spectrum, fidget spinners make the perfect sensory toy for both kids and adults with Autism. 

Unlike most other brands, FIGROL uses LED lights in their spinners. This adds an additional element of visual stimulation when playing with a fidget spinner. 

Fidget spinner toys are also very portable. Your son or daughter can bring them along wherever they go. In the event of sensory over-stimulation, they can pull this toy out and use it to take their mind off the world around them. 

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Sensory Chew Stick Toys

When looking for sensory toys for toddlers with autism, keep in mind that younger kids love to put things in their mouths. It is a normal part of exploring their senses of touch and taste. However, kids often tend to find things to lick and suck on that don’t belong in their mouths, such as fingers, hair, and clothing.

These FDA approved sensory chew sticks are perfect for developing children who are just learning to experiment with their mouths. Each stick has a different hardness as well as four legs, each with its own unique texture. This design will give your little one the oral sensations that he/she craves while preventing foreign objects from entering their mouth.

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Abilitations Teacher’s Pet Weighted Lap Dog

Here is another toy that your child will love if their sensory systems are easily over-stimulated. 

The weight of this toy is what sets it apart from your typical, run of the mill stuffed animal. This little lap dog weighs nearly five pounds and will give your child a sense of safety and security while sitting on their lap.

The cotton and polyester construction adds to the calming effect, making it easy to pet and cuddle with during times of stress or uneasiness.

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Click n’ Play Foam Pogo Jumper

This toy is perfect for kids who struggle with coordination due to being under-responsive to sensory stimulation. When jumping with this toy, your child will be exposed to a variety of sensory triggers while learning to maintain balance. The lights in the handle target the body’s visual systems, while the “squeakers” in the base stimulate auditory systems. You can help train your child’s gross motor skills gradually through play.

Since this Pogo Jumper is made from soft foam, it can be used outside and inside the house without having scuffing or damaging interior floors.

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Everyday Educate Sensory Sack Body Socks

Many children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) crave physical touch but struggle to tolerate human contact. This Body sock uses gentle compression to emulate the feeling of being hugged, promoting feelings of comfort without having to be touched by another person.

The soft material of the Everyday Educate Sensory Sack Body Sock is lightweight and breathable, allowing your child to relax without getting over-heated, making it ideal for long car rides, naps, or any time your child has a hard time unwinding or sitting still. 

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Choosing The Right Toys

Finding the right toys for a kid with ASD can be a challenging task. Toys for children with autism should be entertaining so your child enjoys playing with them, but at the same time, you also want them to sharpen their fine motor skills, develop their ability to process sensory input, and improve social interaction. Fortunately for you, all of the autism sensory toys on this list are designed to do just that. 


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