child biting

The Best Autism Chew Toys on Amazon

The Best Autism Chew Toys on Amazon Every child develops an attachment to one or several toys they just can’t live without. But, unfortunately, the

autism stimming

What is Stimming in Autism?

What is Stimming in Autism? Communication skills are an essential part of any child’s development, and this fact doesn’t change when it comes to children


Toilet Training Techniques: Smearing BM

A common behavior with Autistic children, or kids with special needs, is fecal smearing. Although it may seem like your child thinks this is fun


How to Make a DIY PECS Board at Home

How to Make a DIY PECS Board At Home The minds of our kids and their capability to learn are constantly growing as they become


How to Get a Child with Autism to Eat

Improving Mealtimes for Children on the Autism Spectrum Helping children to eat a balanced meal is often difficult for many parents. Parents with children on


The Best Pecs Boards for Children With Autism

The Best Pecs Boards for Children With Autism Children with autism may have a difficult time communicating with those around them. Those that are non-verbal


The Benefits of Wobble Cushions

The Benefits of Wobble Cushions When used correctly, a sensory seat for autism can help improve a child’s concentration and overall learning. But there are