DIY Videos

DIY Videos

In a day and age where people have unlimited access to the internet, it can be difficult to find free autism resources that are helpful and relevant to your exact situation. Normal Life, Inc. has put together autism resources for parents that walk them through a new topic in each video. Our autism home support services range from methods of keeping your child safe to soothing methods for behavioral problems. Through our videos you will have another resource to help you and your family members cope with an Autism Spectrum or other special needs diagnosis. We know how difficult and frustrating it can be to protect your child while keeping them happy and healthy. Just know that you are not alone in what you do.

Radio Adapter For Autistic Child

Therapy Sock

My Child Is Smearing BM: What Do I Do?

How To Protect Your Autistic Child

How To Protect Your Autistic Child: Window Alarm

Autistic Child Don't Sleep! A Quick Easy Fix!

Autism- Getting Organized

Shaving Your Autistic Son

Autism Resources: Adaptive Chair

Brushing An Autistic Child Teeth

Autism Emergency: You Didn't Think About!

Changing Diaper While Standing Up

Autistic Behaviors:Going Through DVD's

Stop Autistic Kids From Getting Into Their Drawers

Autism Behavior Cure

Bathing Our Autistic Children