
A Dangerous Toy For Kids With Autism

As a member of the autism community, I get it — you’re sometimes outright fearful for your child’s safety. If your child has severe autism or PICA symptoms (commonly eating inedible objects like pine cones, dirt, etc.) then sometimes it can seem like almost anything could go wrong!

Coping With An Autism Spectrum Diagnosis

Families are receiving a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on a daily basis across the country. As the instance of ASD becomes more prevalent, parents are looking for resources that can help them cope with the new challenges their child’s diagnosis may bring. As it stands, the prevalence of autism is as high as 1:68 children, and the Center For Disease Control (CDC) believes that those rates may increase as time goes on.

Understanding The Basics Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is not a specific diagnosis. It is the general term for a group of disorders that hinder the brain development of a child. These disorders make it difficult for a child to learn, deal with social situations, communicate, and practice normal behavioral patterns.

Symptoms Of Autism

I have been working many years with children with autism and I have noticed that there are so many judge’s. Humans as a group are known for judging one another. One of the biggest opportunities for judgements are when people see an unruly child in public.

Creating A Safe & Supportive Home Environment

Children who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are often positively or negatively affected by their environment. For parents and family members, it is important to begin creating a safe and supportive environment for a child immediately after diagnosis.

Common Myths & Misconceptions About Autism

Here at Normal Life Inc, we’re a family business with a dedication to providing parents with autism resources. We are built upon an extensive history in helping children with special needs and/or those that fall within the Autism Spectrum Disorder live a more fulfilling and happy life.