A Dangerous Toy For Kids With Autism

As a member of the autism community, I get it — you’re sometimes outright fearful for your child’s safety. If your child has severe autism or PICA symptoms (commonly eating inedible objects like pine cones, dirt, etc.) then sometimes it can seem like almost anything could go wrong! 

What if my kid eats chemicals? What if he finds cigarettes outside?

I don’t mean to scare you, but there is one more thing on the list of dangers to avoid, and this time it’s a common toy.

Magnetic Toys Are Dangerous For Children With Autism

If you’re unfamiliar with magnetic toys, such as Zen Magnets or Buckyballs, they are small millimeter-sized magnetic balls or cubes that are meant for making structures and shapes (think legos, but much smaller). These toys can be a lot of fun for neurotypical children, adults, and maybe even older children with a low level of autism or Asperger’s

However, these seemingly innocent toys can be deadly for children with autism or PICA symptoms of varying severities and any age.

In a five-year period, there were 100 cases reported to the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) in which children swallowed two or more of these magnets and were injured. 

The CPSC estimates that there could have actually been about 2,900 cases during that period.

There was also one death of a child reported in 2013 due to magnetic toys

These tiny magnets are so small that if two get inside of a person they can actually tear through internal organs as they are magnetically pulled toward one another. 

The easiest way to keep your child or adult with autism safe from these magnets is to simply not allow them in your home. Maybe your husband thinks they are cool, or your older child brings some home from school, get rid of them and stay safe.

The Fight Against Dangerous Toys For Autism

Back in 2012, Zen Magnets, Buckyballs, and similar magnetic toys were all banned in an unprecedented “stop-sale” ordered by the CPSC for the first time in 11 years.

Unfortunately, the ban was lifted in 2017 and the sale of the magnets has resumed. This is why we wanted to warn you again against their destructive power. 

(You can read more about the company and its battle with the CPSC from The Denver Post  as well as the Consumer Reports warnings at News4Jax.com)

In conclusion, as parents and caregivers of autism, we can benefit from being part of this community by always sharing helpful tips to implement or warnings of things to avoid. This way we can become stronger and safer.
Join our Facebook group #autismarmy for more support from the autism awareness community.

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