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Category: Ideas

Getting Your Autistic Child To Sleep – Autism Sleep Problems

Getting Your Autistic Child To Sleep – Autism Sleep Problems

Before I had my first son, I joined in all the usual jokes–” Say goodbye to sleep and hello to baggy eyes!” Everyone knows that babies are cute sleepless little terrors through the night, and that means mom and dad are sleepless too, but it can be a happy kind of weariness. We were excited about it.

We told ourselves it wasn’t so bad, and that they’ll start sleeping soundly soon; every parent goes through this rite of passage — we can do this.

But the restless nights didn’t end for our baby or for us. Sleeplessness was our life for more than a year.

Looking back, I realize it was one of the first symptoms of autism that I might have picked up on, but he was my first baby, and I was a bit clueless. I didn’t realize our situation wasn’t the norm. I thought it was like this for everyone. No baby sleeps, right?

That changed after a year and a half when it became obvious something was wrong besides his sleep.

My son still wasn’t communicating or even trying to mimic our words. That realization came with a dark, ugly pit in my stomach, and it sat there and chewed at my heart. It’s hard to describe just how powerless I felt and totally unable to even think of what I could do for him. 

We didn’t know where to go or who to go to, but we knew we had to get help somewhere. Once we did, the pit in our stomach didn’t leave, but it was like we learned how to carry it. Our son was diagnosed as being on the spectrum, and we dedicated ourselves to learning everything we could.

One thing we learned was that sleep would always be difficult for our son. Pediatrics magazine published a study among 2-5-year-olds and found that 80% of children with autism suffer from sleep problems, nearly twice that of their peers.

Knowing that helped us to prepare and face our son’s sleeping trouble together as a team. Knowledge is a reassurance–It was for us, and it will be for you.

Why Do Our Autistic Children Struggle To Sleep?

The exact reasons that insomnia and restlessness plague people on the spectrum can be hard to peg down, but in general, we can say there are a few likely culprits. 

  • Autism is often accompanied by other conditions. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety, and gastrointestinal problems are commonly linked with autism. Combine all of that with a sensitivity to light, sound, and touch, and it’s no wonder why our kids can’t sleep well.
  • Mutations are common in sleep governing genes. Studies suggest that the genes of autistic people that are associated with the sleep cycle and insomnia are more often mutated. Likewise, genes that govern the production of melatonin, our natural sleep chemical, are commonly different from neurotypical people.
  • Prescriptions can stir up sleep problems. For example, stimulants often given to help with ADHD can trigger insomnia.

It’s also worth noting that our kids with autism have all of the usual reasons for sleep woes; Stress from school and relationships, excitement, caffeine, and sleep apnea. You name it. It’s worth having your child’s doctor check for non-autism-related sleeping conditions too.

Our Efforts Make a Difference

It can be really easy to feel like this is too much, that all of these factors stacked together will have us beat. Maybe our sleep-deprived mind is already telling us, “Ok, I give up. Does my family really need sleep?”

Trust me; you can do this. Your autistic son or daughter has a hill to climb to find a cozy sleep routine, but your hard work can carve them a stairway. Your good parenting will make that journey easier for them.

Don’t just take my word for it. Good sleep routine practices were tested in a program with 80 autistic children from 2-10 years old. Before the program, the average sleep latency, or the time it took the kids to fall asleep, was 58.2 minutes. After the program, that average plummeted to 39.6 minutes, and nearly 30 of the kids could fall asleep in under half an hour.

Similar methods can and will work for your family. Not only can your kids sleep more soundly, but you can help encourage them to do it without depriving yourself of your own needed sleep.

How to Create a Comfy Sleeping Environment and Routine

Understanding our child’s sleeping routine and needs boils down to understanding five key points. Everything about a good sleeping program can be traced back here.

  • What they do during the day
  • What they do before bed
  • When they go to bed
  • What they need to fall asleep
  • Where they sleep

What To Do During The Day

Focus your daily activities around things that will make sleeping easier.

  • Maintain a good diet. The right food will keep your child’s gastrointestinal problems to a minimum and ease the cramping that can rob them of sleep. Remember the basics, healthy fruit like apples and oranges are good for digestion. If you have a picky eater on your hand, vitamin-C pills are a healthy option.
  • Keep them exercising. Physical activity in the right balance can tire our kids out and help put them to sleep. Children 6 and up should be getting a good hour of rambunctious physical activity every day in addition to muscle exercises (weight training) and bone strengthening play (running, jump rope) three times a week each.
  • Give them lots of sunshine. Sunlight exposure can help keep their usually fickle sleep/wake cycle properly attuned.
  • Have naps at the right time. If your child is over 5, try to limit their naps to 20 minutes and never later than 2 pm. If they nap too long or too late, it can make it harder to fall asleep at night. Sometimes you might need to distract them with games and songs to stop them from napping, like on the car ride home.

What To Do Before And At Bedtime

All our hard work during the day can be undone if we don’t stick the landing.

  • Avoid caffeine, screens, or excitement right before bed. These things stimulate our minds, so our brain will be tricked into being alert instead of getting the sleep it needs.
  • Have calming pre-bedtime activities up to an hour before bed. Time spent reading a book, quietly chatting, tooth brushing or drawing can all be used as soothing cues that it’s time for bedtime. Aromatherapy or Epson salt baths are great ways to get their brain into sleep mode.

What They Need To Fall Asleep

  • Set up solid sleep associations. Some of us can’t sleep unless we listen to a recording of rain. That sort of association is even more powerful for our autistic children.

If they wake up in the middle of the night, they’ll need these associations to get back to sleep, so make sure it’s something they can provide for themselves. If they need you to be there when they sleep, they’ll wake you up to help put them back to bed.

A favorite stuffed animal is a common association, and some parents use pictures on the nightstand to point to as part of the nightly routine.

Where They Need To Sleep

  • Create a low sensory environment. This means no lights, noises, or any other distractions. 

That said, every child is unique. Some do find comfort in white noise, nightlights, and even TV or radios, but start with a very calm room before experimenting. If you do include noise, make sure it’s consistent. Randomized noises, like birds chirping, will be too stimulating.

  • Find the right temperature. Everyone likes to sleep in different conditions, so you’ll have to experiment to find what’s right for your son or daughter. A good place to start is 65-67° F, which is widely considered the perfect range of temperature by sleep experts.
  • Experiment with fabrics and textures. Some materials can be itchy or irritating and keep your child awake. Their PJs or bedsheets and even zippers, buttons, and seams can cause them stress. 

Other Tools and Tips

  • Find and maintain the right bedtime. Start by determining the best time for your child to sleep based on their needs. If you know they need more then 10 hours of rest but have to wake up at 7 am to be ready for school, then that means bedtime should be 8 pm. 

Keep that ideal bedtime in mind when planning all of your evening activities.

It can take several weeks to transition your child to a new bedtime, but those are several weeks well worth it in the long run.

Begin by putting them to bed whenever they get tired, even if it’s much later or earlier than your chosen time. Then move the bedtime 15 minutes in the right direction every two days until you adjust them to the correct time.

​​The Best TV Shows and Movies for Children With Autism

​​The Best TV Shows and Movies for Children With Autism

Learning how to use the media to benefit your autistic child is an ongoing process. The decision on what entertainment to expose him to is even more important when dealing with autism. 

Entertainment is fraught with negative impressions that can damage a child’s ability to establish his own identity. While children need it to get a realistic view of the world around them and how they fit into that mold, parents do well to proceed with caution. They need to see models of themselves in the imaginary world they are entering.

The same is true for any autistic child. Observing others with the same challenges face the world can be a genuinely uplifting experience. So, choices for TV shows and movies can be very empowering for your child. Below are just a few suggestions to help your special needs child find his place in the world.

Should Children With Autism Watch TV?

Before you can choose the best entertainment for your autistic child, it helps to know how to use this form of entertainment to your advantage. 

Yes, autistic children indeed require extensive therapeutic interactions. It is not uncommon for them to have hours of therapy daily. This highly disciplined form of treatment is one of the main reasons parents feel that TV may not be the best choice for their children. 

While TV and movies are not interactive, they can still help a child with autism.

  • They are very effective teaching tools. After watching the same movie over and over again, they can pick up on proper emotional responses, learn new skills, and even learn basic life skills like tying their shoes, brushing their teeth, and combing their hair.
  • They discover the fundamentals of connecting with others and how to make friends.
  • They adopt a unique language that you can use to communicate better with them.
  • They expose them to a whole new world and prepare them to explore.
  • They help them to get out of their heads and engage in the real world.
  • They can generate new ideas that they can use again in their therapy sessions.

Because autistic children learn better through visual and auditory means, watching TV shows and movies can help them build a solid knowledge base that they can use in real life. So, while parents must carefully choose what is on the screen, it can make a significant difference in providing some of the necessary tools needed for them to adapt to real-life situations.

What Makes an Autism-Friendly Movie?

So, how do you choose what is right for your child to watch? You don’t want to plop them down in front of the television and expect miracles to happen. It is essential to exercise great care in what your child is exposed to. Here are a few things you should keep in mind while deciding.

  • Make sure that parental controls are always engaged. This practice will keep your child from accidentally viewing something you don’t want him to see.
  • Always preview any show before you let your child watch.
  • Watch together so you can pause at specific points to ask questions and engage your child so they can get a better grasp of what he needs to learn.
  • If he becomes attached to a single show and wants to watch it repeatedly, use that show to reward him for demonstrating positive behavior.
  • Look for ways you can extend his interests from the show into the real world.
  • Make your own videos that model the behaviors you want him to emulate.

No hard and fast rule tells you which movie is good or bad. It is not just that your child has autism but also other factors you must consider when making a choice. When you are looking at options, try to focus on key factors like:

  • Where he falls on the spectrum
  • His age
  • Learning opportunities
  • How much stimulation he can take
  • Will it have a calming effect

There are probably more factors that you can also consider when making your choice. Just like with all other children, no two will be alike, even those with autism. You know your child better than anyone, so consider your personal knowledge when deciding if a TV show or movie will work best in your situation.

There is always an escape plan if you find your choices are a good match. If you subscribe to a streaming service like Disney or Netflix, you can simply stop the stream and make another selection. It’s not like the olden days when your child had to watch whatever was on the screen at the time.

Movies For Autistic Children

When it comes to choosing movies, animation is a popular choice. Not only will you find selections that are not controversial, but there are lots of storylines that can provide real education opportunities in the experience.

Animated movies for an autistic child can be very enlightening. The benefits of a sensory-friendly movie show are evident at every turn.

  • It gives them a way to observe social skills in non-threatening or confusing ways.
  • Even the central figures, while they may be animals or other beings found in nature, exaggerate behaviors they may need to learn, so the world suddenly is not so confusing.
  • Seeing repeated behaviors in several situations helps them to hone in on a specific skill set and gives them cues on how to use it.

Some live-action movies can offer the same general benefits for the autistic child that can process it. Here are just a few examples of how they can help.

Finding Nemo: This movie is appropriate for all ages. The story of a clownfish braving the massive sea for his son can strike a chord with anyone. Your autistic child will likely pick up on how he has to adapt to various situations, learn to be flexible, and find ways to work with others while pursuing his goal.

Lilo and Stitch: This show is ideal for children of all ages. Lila, a little Hawaiian girl, makes friends with an alien and makes him her pet. Together, they go through many experiences that require them to meet specific challenges. The whole experience is friendly, engaging, and colorful.

Back to the Future: The young and adventurous Marty is the main character searching for his own adventure in this movie. However, most autistic children will focus on the older Doc Brown. The scientist with eccentric mannerisms doesn’t know how to fit in with society. He becomes successful with his invention of the Time Machine, which sends them both on all sorts of wild and crazy adventures.

TV Shows

The same guidelines that we use for choosing movies can also be applied in TV shows. Choose those where you think your child will be able to relate to some of the characters in a way that may help them to rid themselves of their inhibitions. Something that shows that they can be empowered and become independent without always conforming to the norm.

Boss Baby: This Netflix series places the viewer in a computer-generated cartoon series. It is recommended for children ages five and up. It is full of slapstick comedy as the characters diligently work out the troubles they face while navigating everyday life. This show is perfect because the episodes are all short, so you won’t have to worry about your child not being able to focus for the duration of each episode.

A little note on Boss Baby, though, is that my kids at home started to think they were “the boss” around the house and tried bossing me around! In all honesty, it wasn’t much of a problem, but it’s something to watch out for!

The Magic School Bus Rides Again: This series features Ms. Frizzle as she hands the reins of the bus over to her sister Fiona. Through their adventures, children learn a lot about science and social behaviors in all sorts of situations.

Peppa Pig: Almost every parent young and old has heard about Peppa Pig! Peppa Pig and her family are a polite bunch that teach children manners and other daily living skills such as sharing. Warning: if your kids watch this too much, they might just end up developing a British accent!

Coping With An Autism Spectrum Diagnosis

Families are receiving a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on a daily basis across the country. As the instance of ASD becomes more prevalent, parents are looking for resources that can help them cope with the new challenges their child’s diagnosis may bring. As it stands, the prevalence of autism is as high as 1:68 children, and the Center For Disease Control (CDC) believes that those rates may increase as time goes on.

Toilet Training Your Autistic Child

Many parents don’t understand what baseline data collection is. Knowing this will enable you to write your own training programs for your children. You can assist your autistic child to be toilet trained, to learn to brush their own teeth, bathe themselves, and wash their hands after toileting.

Fly With Autistic Children

With the strides that we may believe we are making in our community to spread autism awareness, we have to understand that we have not reached everyone. Just last year, an autistic child was kicked off of their flight because the child

Spring Break For Autism Families

Every single school age kid looks forward to every single day that they do not have to go to school. Every weekend and every break are eagerly anticipated like some kind of wonderful reward for making it through the school week.

Stop Autistic Kids From Getting Into Their Drawers!

Do you have trouble redirecting your child to not get into their drawers and empty them onto the floor every day?  If so then, this video and links are for you.

We have had kids even go into other children’s room to borrow clothes or empty out their dressers. Kids that also like to put on as many clothes as physically possible. As a parent this could become very exhausting.  The exhausting part is… It is daily! To add a little more drama, your child has incontinent, and you do not know if all the clothes he/she applied are still clean. So just to be safe you wash all of them. This consumes time and energy; wouldn’t it be nice if we could prevent this from completely happening?

Here is an easy quick way to adapt your child’s dresser to give your family a little more normalcy in life.

Our quick fix product can be found at Lowe’s.  “Tot Loks” by “Safety 1st”. Make sure before you install these locks, you unscrew or otherwise remove the handles that are already on your dresser. This makes it safe for your child when they do try to open their drawers.

The locks and key go for about $20.00. You can watch you-tube video here to see how easy they are to use. Please leave any ideas and comments on the video. We love hearing your insight.  Other locks could also be found on amazon. You can still purchase the Tot loks at Home Depot or Lows. Here is a link to Tot Loks on you-tube on how to apply to Cupboards