Do you have trouble redirecting your child to not get into their drawers and empty them onto the floor every day? If so then, this video and links are for you.
We have had kids even go into other children’s room to borrow clothes or empty out their dressers. Kids that also like to put on as many clothes as physically possible. As a parent this could become very exhausting. The exhausting part is… It is daily! To add a little more drama, your child has incontinent, and you do not know if all the clothes he/she applied are still clean. So just to be safe you wash all of them. This consumes time and energy; wouldn’t it be nice if we could prevent this from completely happening?
Here is an easy quick way to adapt your child’s dresser to give your family a little more normalcy in life.
Our quick fix product can be found at Lowe’s. “Tot Loks” by “Safety 1st”. Make sure before you install these locks, you unscrew or otherwise remove the handles that are already on your dresser. This makes it safe for your child when they do try to open their drawers.
The locks and key go for about $20.00. You can watch you-tube video here to see how easy they are to use. Please leave any ideas and comments on the video. We love hearing your insight. Other locks could also be found on amazon. You can still purchase the Tot loks at Home Depot or Lows. Here is a link to Tot Loks on you-tube on how to apply to Cupboards