Can CBD Oil or Cannabis Treat Autism? What We Know So Far
Can CBD Oil or Cannabis Treat Autism? What We Know So Far 
Any family that has a child with autism or other intellectual disabilities understands that you have to take one day at a time. From the beginning, you’ve probably had to realize that, as your child learns and develops skills, there will be good days and bad ones.
Parents will all agree that raising children, in general, is a task that requires time and effort; adding intellectual disabilities definitely makes the job a bigger challenge and they will need your attention throughout their entire life.
But half of your battle involves taking the time to learn about your awesome child’s new condition.
Causes and Treatments for Autism
When your child was diagnosed with autism, all the possible reasons for their condition have gone running through your mind. Autism can develop from factors such as genetic, nongenetic, or environmental influences, but it isn’t an illness that can be cured.
Ideally, you learn to interact with your children in a way that helps them develop the necessary skills they need as they grow up. Although there isn’t a “cure” for autism, you can look into medication treatments that have proven effective with some symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These include:
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
- Tricyclics
- Psychoactive or antipsychotic medications
- Stimulants
- Anti-anxiety medications
- Anticonvulsants
But maybe you’ve heard of other alternative medications such as cannabis or medical marijuana. Some people have been studying the effects of cannabis or CBD oil on people with autism in the last couple of years, but is this really an option?
What is Cannabis?
Cannabis is the scientific name for the plant most commonly known as marijuana, weed, pot, Mary Jane, and other slang terms. The dried leaves, seed oil, and other parts of the cannabis plant are used for recreational and medicinal purposes.
It may seem like an outrageous idea because many people consider cannabis an illegal and dangerous drug that’s used to get “high.” Some of its ingredients are psychoactive, meaning they can alter the mind, but cannabis actually contains about 120 active ingredients, known as cannabinoids. Not all of these ingredients cause damaging effects and their potency and balance vary depending on how the plant is grown and processed.
What is Cannabidiol (CBD)?
The two most abundant cannabinoids found in cannabis plants are cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The bad ingredient that produces the euphoric or psychoactive effect is THC. CBD on the other hand has been associated with providing pain relief, improving sleep, and producing relief from anxiety disorders and addiction.
As you research this option, you will see that CBD comes in various forms such as:
- Oils and tinctures
- Edibles
- Capsules
- Topicals
- Vape juices
Can Cannabis Treat Autism?
Once you retrained your mind to not see cannabis as a deadly substance but rather an alternative treatment, then the question becomes: has research shown that cannabis and CBD oil are effective when treating autism spectrum disorder symptoms?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Symptoms
As a loving parent, you’ve done your research as to the signs your child displayed to be diagnosed with ASD. Most likely you’ve been given information about the difficult road ahead as your autistic child experiences:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Stress
- Hyperactivity
- Aggression
- Anger
- Sleep problems
By helping your child create a bond with their doctor, they can feel more comfortable being themselves. This way their doctor will be able to better prescribe the right medications to counteract their negative behaviors.
How Cannabis Can Help with ASD Symptoms
You deserve to get a straight answer on using cannabis for ASD and the reality is that research on its effectiveness is very limited. However, keep in mind that studies have shown some evidence of the positive effects cannabis and CBD have on those with autism.
You will find that the studies performed show that cannabis may help alleviate specific symptoms and improve unhealthy behaviors in those on the autism spectrum.
Research Performed Using Cannabis Oil for Autism
The dangers associated with using any part of the cannabis plant have made it vital that more research is done into the safety and efficacy of cannabis or CBD. We want parents to learn about some of the studies that have been conducted over the years:
“Oral Cannabidiol Use in Children with

photo by @Yaroslavoff
Autism Spectrum Disorder to Treat Related Symptoms and Co-morbidities”
The objective of this 2018 study was to examine the effects of oral cannabidiol on commonly exhibited symptoms of autistic children, such as hyperactivity, self-injury, aggressiveness, restlessness, anxiety, and sleep disorders.
The study was performed on 53 patients, of which 45 were males and eight were females, between 4 and 22 years old. Parents were instructed by a nurse practitioner on how to administer the proper dosage of CBD oil for autism spectrum disorder symptoms.
Results of This 2018 Study
By the end of the study, parents reported on the following symptoms:
- Hyperactivity Symptoms. Of 38 patients demonstrating hyperactivity symptoms, 68.4% showed improvement, 28.9% showed no change, and 2.6% got worse.
- Self-Injury. Of 34 patients demonstrating self-injury or rage, 67.6% showed improvement, 23.5% showed no change, and 8.8% got worse.
- Sleep Problems. Of 21 patients experiencing problems sleeping, 71.4% showed improvement, 23.8% showed no change, and 4.7% (one patient) got worse.
- Anxiety. Of 17 patients experiencing anxiety, 47.1% showed improvement, 29.4% showed no change, and 23.5% got worse.
Conclusion of the Study
With this study, oral CBD treatment showed an overall improvement of 74.5% on ASD symptoms. Although this may seem like a good statistic, how efficient and safe CBD for autism is, still needs to be evaluated more in-depth on a larger scale.
“Effects of CBD-Enriched Cannabis Sativa Extract on Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms”
You’re not the only one interested in finding alternative treatments that can be more effective with autism. Other studies observe the adverse effects of ASD symptoms on cognitive development, social interaction, and behavior and aim to research how effective pure cannabidiol (CBD) and CBD-enriched cannabis sativa extract (CE) are in autistic symptoms in refractory epilepsy patients.
The study began with 18 ASD patients, of which 13 were males and five (28%) females between 6 and 17 years old. The parents of these children obtained legal authorization from the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency of Brazil (ANVISA) to allow them to use CE under the supervision of those conducting this study.
Results of This 2019 Study
For this study, data was collected for the following symptoms:
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Behavioral disorders (BD)
- Motor deficits (MD)
- Autonomy deficits (AD)
- Communication and social interaction deficits (CSID)
- Cognitive deficits (CD)
- Sleep disorders (SD)
- Convulsive seizures (SZ)
CBD proved most effective for ADHD, SD, and SZ, where above 80% of patients showed improvement equal to or above 30%. Another notable result came in terms of controlling seizures since there was a reduction of 50% in three cases and 100% in the other two cases.
Conclusion of the Study
This study supports the idea that CBD-enriched CE has positive effects on multiple autistic symptoms and doesn’t produce the typical side effects in medicated ASD patients. However, they understand that the study has had its limitations due to things like the lack of control groups and the small study size, which is why further trials are required.
“The Therapeutic Role of Cannabidiol in Mental Health: a Systematic Review”
This 2020 study focused on analyzing the therapeutic effects of CBD on mental health. When it comes to treating ASD symptoms, CBD and CBD-containing compounds could help alleviate them.
Results of This 2020 Study
The treatment proved to be effective in reducing the following ASD symptoms:
- Hyperactivity
- Self-injurious behaviors
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
More Research is Needed
The effectiveness of different cannabis strains for autism hasn’t been studied sufficiently. The FDA still notes that more research has to be done to understand the potential side effects and possible interactions of this drug with other medications.
If you think that CBD oil or cannabis could succeed when other treatments have failed, then look for guidance from a medical professional who will also know the laws in effect where you live.
Is Cannabis or CBD Oil Legal?
Maybe this research has helped you see cannabis or CBD oil in a different light, but any competent parent will still wonder if it’s legal. In the United States, answering this question depends on when you ask it because the legal status of cannabis and CBD oil is constantly evolving. Although it hasn’t explicitly been legalized at the federal level, each state’s government has allowed it to different degrees.
However, in December 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made it easier for researchers to conduct CBD trials. Then in 2018, the Farm Bill was passed, making hemp legal in the US, which allowed hemp-derived CBD products with less than 0.3% of THC federally legal.
The Only FDA Approved Cannabis-Derived Drug: Epidiolex
By the FDA approving Epidiolex, they’ve concluded that this particular product is safe and effective for its intended use. This cannabis-derived medication contains a purified form of CBD and is meant to treat seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome.
Keeping in mind that some autistic children suffer from severe seizures, many parents have looked into trying marijuana and cannabis extracts for ASD symptoms such as seizures, behavioral issues, and other autism-related traits.
Keep Informed With Normal Life, Inc. Resources
When we go through those rough moments with our children, desperation begins to overcome us, and we seek anything that can help them. If you’re a parent of a child with autism or other intellectual disabilities, know that you aren’t alone on this challenging journey. Normal Life, Inc. is focused on providing you with an expanding community of parents that are going through the same situations you’re currently facing.
Join our Facebook group #autismarmy today and start connecting with the parents that are a part of this community and are always willing to help.