Category: Uncategorized

Category: Uncategorized

Common Myths & Misconceptions About Autism

Here at Normal Life Inc, we’re a family business with a dedication to providing parents with autism resources. We are built upon an extensive history in helping children with special needs and/or those that fall within the Autism Spectrum Disorder live a more fulfilling and happy life.

Supporting Siblings Of Autistic Children

One of the most immediate challenges for many siblings of autistic children is that parents have to spend more time focusing on the child with the issues rather than being able to divide their time more evenly. Oftentimes siblings may not understand why their parents aren’t paying attention to them

A Guide to Puberty And Autism

Puberty is difficult for parents of neurotypical children. You know what that means: it’s going to be even harder for you. Puberty can be a confusing time for a parent and even more for your child with autism.

We hope to take away some of the mystery and frustration associated

Understanding Your Teen With Autism

Raising teenagers can be difficult for anyone, but raising a teenager with autism presents unique challenges. As children become a teenagers, many parents grow concerned that their autism is getting more severe as their child becomes more resistant to them.

Fostering Independence In Your Child

For neurotypical children, independence is something that often develops naturally as they grow older and take on more responsibilities. They learn not only the skills they need to be independent, but the ability to choose the best time and place to utilize these skills.

Autism In Girls

Boys are four times more likely to have autism than girls. This is why the majority of the research done on autism is focused on males. However, this is doing a disservice to females with autism.